Heart a modded adventure trello Related: Legends Re:Written Codes. Sans summon a Gaster blaster dealing high damage. Various items from Welcome to the guide of items! This is the page created by HRufxen himself in order to let other people about the uses in some stands! Perfect for new players to AMA ( A Modded Adventure ) ( This page will be adding some more information due to events, so stay tuned ) ( Updated on: November 30th, 2024. Heart. The game is based on the popular anime/manga series called JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Just like its hat, it has some of Jotaro's hair on the hat, hat shaped like cap with a circle and a rectangle gold Vaporwave Diary is a Unobtainable / Limited item you can get during the event ( I am not too sure what event is it ) in A Modded Adventure . Explore properties. Fun Fact: When you use Cone Platinum's V attack (and some others), a small orb will be left. ABDM:R has a lot of different abilities for you to use like Shiny and there are Canon and Non Rarest Arrow stand. Or the Trello Board has been discontinued. View Mobile Site Jotaro's Requiem Arrow has an almost identical layout to the Diego Requiem Arrow, except the brown is tinted purple, and the entire arrow part is glowing purple. View Mobile Site XChara by using the X!Tale Heart ( Press Y on someone and press Q to make your stand appear, then press J ) Evolving Chara; Glitchtale Frisk ( Use Heart on Chara ) In The Modded Adventure, There is a place called Sandbox Mode, you can go there by pressing :sandbox in the chat and it will automatically bring you there , if it does not work #ROBLOX #JOJO #AModdedAdventurePlaying A Modded Adventure-----Roblox GameA Modded AdventureSOSMED :Inst A Trello Link is a shared link to a Trello board where Roblox game developers post updates, guides, rules, and other important game information. By using it on Standless, you can get USHAAA Dinosaur. You can evolve it into Sticky Fingers with a Zipper Arm. It fires 3 shots and does 90 dmg in total. It A Bizarre Adventure Modded; ABAM Community; ABAM Trello; ABAM Discord Server; ABAM Trading Discord Server; ABAM Report Discord Server; Items Category page. It can be got from a reborn arrow Shadow pot platinium + Dio Dairy = Green Platinium M1 - 10 DMG E - 6 DMG R - 45 DMG T - 85 DMG Y - 0. This wiki page will remain as a resource for people attempting to learn SBA's mechanics. หลังจากเข้าไปในกระดาน Trello ของ A Modded Adventure แล้ว คุณจะพบกับการ์ดเรียงซ้อนกันในแนวนอน สิ่งที่คุณต้องทำคือไปที่คอลัมน์ที่ต้องการ A Bizarre Adventure Modded is a copy of A Bizarre Day created on the 26th of July in 2020 that has modded stands owned by 555Andy999. However, this Roblox experience took high inspiration YBA New Universe is the latest Roblox game based on a hit anime franchise, in this case Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. The game itself uses stand ideas from other modded games, and attempts to import that with Dio's Skull was extracted from DIO's body when he was beaten by Jotaro Kujo during Eyes Of Heaven. Fist of the Pot Star (shortened to FOTPS) is a spec that is obtained by talking to a Menacing Dummy NPC Leaning On a Tree. My Modded Day , or MMD, is a battling game by @Alrixkk, motivated by various games and anime. com/games/5172550013/5x-EVENT-XCHARA-XSANS-A-Modded-Adventure#!/game-instances Shadow The World Is Obtained By Using A Full Form Emerald On Shadow The World − − Stats: Power: ? Speed: A Durability: ? Stand Mode Off: LMB: A crouched kind of punch and does 24 Damage Q: Your Character throws 6 En otra parte de Roblox, consulte el enlace Demon Piece Trello y el enlace A Modded Adventure Trello. DIO's Oficiální A Modded Adventure trello a odkazy na server Discord. Item Description: An empty heart, the kind that typically belongs to "monsters" of the underground. X Use: shadow the world:full form + rainbow camera = Shadow The World :RGB Item Look: Literally Camera but as the name suggests, constantly changes in color. Sledujte nejnovější aktualizace a komunitní události! Připojte se k nám ještě dnes! A Modded Adventure Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. com/games/5172550013/A-MODDED-ADVENTURE?refPageId=f8093fb9-a754-49bb-ab08-c7c7cae37b36#!/game-instanceshttps://trello. View Mobile Site frisk moment Glitchtale Frisk is a rather hard stand to get GT frisk can be obtained by using a heart on Chara 🔥🔥🔥 You slash your target dealing moderate damage spammable Deals 25 damage (50 during the 2x damage boost) You fire 3 thin red Sans is a spec by getting using a Empty Heart on Standless Passive - Dodging. The Aja Mask, also known as the Super Aja, pronounced similar to "Asia," is a perfect gemstone sought by the Pillar Men and the main plot device for Battle Tendency. Some people mistake it for a Holy Corpse Left Eye, and walk around it, trying to get it. Hmm it's S tier. It can be used to get Made in Heaven after English :If You Want To Support Me You Can Press Like And Subscribe For MeVietnamese :Nếu Bạn Muốn Giúp Tôi Thì Bạn Có Thể Ấn Thích Và Đăng Ký Chờ Tôi––––––– KJ's Spirit is a non-canon item appearing as a red mist with white mist surrounding it. Join the community today! Description []. Similar to its original counterpart, it is a close-range Stand, but with immense buffs, being an extreme amount more damage compared to the original Stand. Besides, keep sticking till the end for my modded day trello and Wiki updates. " DIO's Skull is spawns around the map every hour with a 1/10 chance of spawning. Ultimate Life Form's Moveset []. Spawn rate: 45 min 1/100 Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. be/NN2TOdiPtG4 This A Modded Adventure trello link has all the info you’re looking for. This item can be use on Fist of the Pot Star to get Fist of the Pot God. To enter Sandbox Mode, say ":sandbox" in chat in either public or private. It helps players stay informed and learn about the game easily. There is also a, "Stand Changer" at the top left of your screen. 0. Trello Link My discord server: https://discord. The E move does a gun shot that does 35 dmg. These items are useful and spawn throughout the map. Item trello. Most Roblox games have a Trello, an official one made by developers to help the players understand the game’s basics and cover every aspect of the game; better than one could cover in a WIKI. Empty Heart - 45 minutes - 1/100 chance | | | holy corspe left eye (small) Holy Corpse Left Eye - Unknown - Unknown | | | Hat - 1 hour - 1/4 chance | | | Jotaro's Requiem Arrow. A Bizarre Adventure Modded; ABAM Community; ABAM Trello; ABAM Discord Server; ABAM Trading Discord Server; ABAM Report Discord Server; in: Items. This can be used on Silver Chariot to obtain Silver Chariot Requiem, Ender Crimson to get King Crimson Requiem, and Meme Experience Requiem to get Jojoboi. Thanks to devs, Dragon Soul Trello has been made available to all players. Q - X-Chara. To use the Diego Requiem Arrow, you need the Holy Corpse Left Eye (Which will give you Scary Monsters), then use the Holy Corpse. Note: Thank you Goober(You_MesIm) for the info! Find the official Trello and Discord server links for A Modded Adventure in this Danish SEO-friendly blog post. 7 HEAL H - 55 DMG V - 100 DMG Default - Z X C N Sonic Shoes can be found anywhere in the map and it is currently obtainable. Here is A Modded Adventure Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. We are not too sure about its spawntime and chances of spawning though; Appearance []. It can be used to evolve Star Platinum into Star Platinum Requiem. Note: Thank you Goober(You_MesIm) for the info! This A Modded Adventure trello link has all the info you’re looking for. The game goes quite crazy with Upon entering the hallowed precincts of the A Modded Adventure Trello board, observe a cornucopia of cards arranged in regimented alignment. The blaster fires at the last spot the A Bizarre Adventure Modded; ABAM Community; ABAM Trello; ABAM Discord Server; ABAM Trading Discord Server; ABAM Report Discord Server; Stands Category page. Minecraft Versions. Just like Sonic shoes , it was shaped like a boot in red while having white strips on the top, the side and below the shoe itself It can be used to evolve . Whitesnake can also be used to get C-Moon by using Dio Diary. In conjunction with the Stone Mask, it would enable Pillar Men to unlock their full potential, removing all weaknesses, including the inability to withstand sunlight. The First Bomb!. 16. This usually happens when the team behind the Trello Board is updating the Trello Board. 0 and will not appear in future versions. 01% chance from gambling, or defeating Big Hoss with an unknown (but very rare) chance of obtained by using someone's blessing on oni วิธีใช้ Modded Adventure Trello. The Hell Arrow is an item mainly used to evolve specs and hardly any stands. 415 dmg per hit − − R:Great Strike − − does a great punch that deals 50-60 dmg. Items are objects able to be used to obtain an ability, evolve an ability, or for other miscellaneous purposes. Roblox Trello Links. Encontrar el enlace de forma orgánica no es muy fácil, por lo que te recomendamos marcar esta página como favorita para tener siempre un acceso rápido a ella. For more info about non-modded Items, please go here. (is silly and probably unob bc it has a gamepass now) The World is a humanoid stand with a strong resemblance to DIO himself in terms of build and clothing. 60 minutes - 1/5 chance if you move ur cursor to the hat you will see an quote: "Yahoo!" A Modded Adventure is a jojo game in roblox following the conventional ABDM game format, where you AFK grind until you get something good. Using the A Bizarre Day Modded Rebooted Trello board is simple, as you don't have to create an account. Black Requiem Arrow The item upclose. cons. Q: Determination: Same thing as Kars Determination, but leaves a small infinite damage boost after the move finishes. As said before, it is A Modded Adventure Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Thus does not A Bizarre Day Modded Rebooted Trello and Discord server are two platforms where you can learn everything about the game. com/c/Bz28PrLL/100-c A Bizarre Day Modded Rebooted Trello Link & Discord; A Blader’s Will Trello Link; A Dusty Trip Discord, Trello, and Social Media Links; A Menacing Timeline Trello Link & Discord; A Modded Adventure Trello & Discord Server Heart. View source History Talk (0) Used on: chara ===== > glitchtale frisk. It is referred to as nature's perfect gemstone and −− Made in china is an evolved form of Made in heaven,you can get it by using bootleg diary on MIH − − − − E: Marching Barrage − − does a speedy barrage,deals 8. Gives you the access for R and E And J B - X Sans. Some items are permanently in your inventory, such as arrows and rokakaka fruit. Discover exclusive updates, tips, and more for the popular Roblox game. − − Ultimate Life Form is a spec obtained by using an Aja Mask on Kars. Fandom Muthead A Modded Adventure is a jojo game in roblox following the conventional ABDM game format, where you AFK grind until you get something good. Hyper's Chaos Emerald is a rare item that can spawn around the map after 45 minutes and has a 1/10 chance to spawn. This item can be used on Green Platinum to instantly get Hyper Pot Platinum. The game goes quite crazy with spawnrate events, making it easier to grind for most items (some rarer items are unaffected by spawnrate events, which will be visible in item pages). Information about the game is divided into columns, and each column has multiple cards with topics you might be Make sure to leave a like and subscribe and turn on the notification bell if you don't want to miss out one of my videos=====#AModdedAdve This stand can be gotten by using black requiem arrow on meme gold experience with a 1 in 2500 chance. − Spawn a Sheer Heart Attack, a The YBA (Your Bizarre Adventure) Trello is divided into multiple sections that are further divided into sub-sections called cards. Sonic Boots is an obtainable item in AMA ( A Modded Adventure ) with a spawntime of 75 minutes ( 1 hour and 15 minutes ) with a chance of 1/15 It appears to a shoe of Sonic from Sonic The Hedgehog, a popular game franchise. E: Barrage 5 Damage per Hit R: Strong punch 39 Damage X: Block C: Dash Anubis (Over Heaven) is a non-canonical variant of Anubis. This is how others see you. You are able to buy it for 300k euro. Players who use Oni wear an Oni's Outfit and Caestus gloves that are engulfed in red flames. E - The user summons the stand, Use on The World Alternate Universe to get a temporary stand that you have to be careful with. − − R. gg/mApmtZBBThe game: https://www. Advertisement. Survive the Blizzard, Uncover the Secret to the Great Winter, and Rekindle Humanity's Last Hope Adventure and RPG Create Food Technology World Gen. View source History Talk (0) Stands. It pushes the player back and shoots a bullet that does 50 dmg. The Hell Arrow has the appearance of a standard looking Arrow, with a black and red head and fancy engravings, and some black feathers at the bottom. It doesn't really have a use other than that. In this post, I have shared the working YBA Trello Link – an updated one. Each card contains relevant info as per its title. Abilities []. com/games/5172550013/5x-Event-And-Bug-Fixes-A-Modded-Adventure-W-I-P?refPageId=47a Jotaro Hat is a item ( I am not too sure about its spawntime and chances of this item It appears to be a hat for Jotaro Kujo, one of the characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Gives you the access to E R T and Y X CHARA cons and pros. . E is very hard to hit. − Does 10 Dmg Per Hit. Its appearance is :bMap link : https://www. A Modded OBTAINABLE ON 06,12,2024 Moves: M1: Punch 10 damage Picture of the stand. Appearance []. (Give's you The Steve's Bizarre Adventure mod was phased-out in Jojovein Version 5. You dodge most attacks LMB/Click - Small Gaster Blaster. La única forma de encontrarlo es a través del servidor Discord del juego, ya que no está vinculado en la página del WhiteSnake. Essence of the Pot God. If you’re looking for the ‘A Modded Adventure’ trello link to know everything there is to know about the game, you’ve come to the right place. 1 shot is 30 dmg. It has a spawn time of 75 minute, which is more than an hour and a chance of 1/15 Sonic Shoes appears to be a shoe of Sonic, the same shoe Sonic wear in Welcome to the A Bizzare Adventure Modded Wiki! Assets are from A Bizarre Day, A Bizarre Day Modded and A Extraordinary Day, based on the original manga series by Hirohiko Araki!. Fires 1 bullet that does 70 Sandbox Mode is secret/hidden feature where you can access a sandbox version of A Modded Adventure. 5. Dragon Soul Trello, Wiki. By yuesha_yc, duck_egg123, dashuaibiaa, evanvenir, khjxiaogu. If you can not access it, see an error, or request to log in or sign up, it probably means the Trello Board has been set to private mode. All Mods; Pack Finder Compare Packs The Winter Rescue: Frosted Heart. RMB: punch hitmarker sound Does 15 damage E: foot barrage and sound of im blue Does 6 damage per punch R: strong punch sound from pickachu Does 55 Damage T: Knife throw sound from hitmarker idk damage [Broken For Now] F: time stop reversed sound If you can not access it, see an error, or request to log in or sign up, it probably means the Trello Board has been set to private mode. [Your Bizarre Adventure] YBA is a Roblox game published by Bizzare Studio. View source History Purge Talk (0) Use on Chara for GT frisk. You can use special characters and emoji. En cuanto a los códigos, consulte los códigos de Zero to Hero Pixel Saga y los códigos de Jujutsu Legends AMA Trello : https://trello. Here is a closer look on how Pot's Diary looks like. Note: For info about non A photo of the Holy Corpse Left Eye from Trello. Sheer Heart Attack (The Second Bomb). This is perfect for players that are new to this experience or diving back in after a long time because it’s a treasure chest of crucial information like spawn 10K Pot is an unobtainable item that was used to be available only in an limited time event in AMA ( A Modded Adventure ) when the game reaches 10K visits 10K Pot has a spawntime of 60 Minutes with a chance of 1/1000 B) ( Keep in The Diego Requiem Arrow is used for The World AU, and another unknown stand. E: Ultimate Bone blades: Many consecutive hits each producing a large SFX, before ULF uses a Bone Blade Dash to make sure the enemy is dead. Surprisingly, his teeth are still intact. Passives "Time Stop Movement" As its name implies, the user can move in stopped time "Superhuman Regeneration" The user passively regenerates 10 HP every 5 Haga clic aquí para ver el enlace Trello A Modded Adventure. − − T. Pot's Diary is an obtainable item which you have to get laid to get Apearance []. View source History Purge Talk (0) A Item must be at the same tier to trade or this does it to stands too S to S+ would be not a fair trade that + can make the item better but The Items category consists of only items found currently ingame. Ultimate Life Form is a spec obtained by using an Aja Mask on Kars. A Roblox Trello link is a URL that leads to a Trello board where developers share official updates, guides, item lists, and plans for their roblox game. You'll be teleported to Sandbox Mode. Joining the A Modded Adventure Discord Channel is the best and the most practical way to learn about the game, as the server allows you to interact with other veteran and newbie players like yourself who can provide a https://www. It wears a headpiece covering its face to below the place of its nose, slanting at a steep angle from the base of its forehead to a peak you get meme world from bootleg diary on the world. roblox. The Black Requiem Arrow is a rare item that can be found anywhere in the map with a 1/60 or 1/1000 chance to spawn every thirty seconds. Some items can be also bought Use:this item use on Sans for evolve him in Delta!Sans Item Look: Looks similar to the Heart item, but colored yellow instead. Description []. I will monitor the Trello updates and provide the most accurate information. It's based off a dev-only spec that shares the same name in abd . Silver Chariot which is around 2%, both GE ( Gold Experience ) and SC ( Silver Chariot ) were the rarest stands to get from arrow . Modpacks; Name & Summary It’s a Roblox experience inspired by JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. View source History Purge Talk (0) Items. Simply navigate to the desired column, Items are used to obtain stands and specs in A Modded Adventure. A Modded Adventure Wiki is Obtainable by using camera on Vampiric the world to obtain the vampiric the world you must use vampiric mask on Normal the world MOVESET: Q - The user takes out 6 knives, throwing all of these. For more info about Essence of the Pot God []. The page featuring the new X-Chara is a very good spec by using X!Tale Heart on samurai Note: to get host on mobile you put the y button on a norm dummy and spam y Y + Cursor- Host. − Hit someone, and of you press R again, you'll blow them up, doesn't matter how far you are. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Empty Heart. Pot Diary has the same design as DIO's Diary, but the book cover is white instead of brown. Moveset: [] Q: Determination: Same thing as Kars Determination, but leaves a small infinite damage boost after the move finishes. He use on Green Platinum to get Hyper Verifed Platinum Item Rarity Tier List. In this experience, players collect items and Stands, battle enemies like zombies and bosses like Shadow Dio, and aim to increase The Hell Arrow is an Item that can only be obtained from Tom's Shack. verifed hat is new item in AMA. It is obtainable through the Gambler with a 0. Item Description: Snap Beautiful Pictures. This is perfect for players that are new to this experience or diving back in after a long time because it’s a treasure chest of crucial information like spawn 10K Pot is an unobtainable item that was used to be available only in an limited time event in AMA ( A Modded Adventure ) when the game reaches 10K visits 10K Pot has a spawntime of 60 Minutes with a chance of 1/1000 B) ( Keep in The Steve's Bizarre Adventure mod was phased-out in Jojovein Version 5. 1. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dragon Soul Trello is also available. Look like a orb with light color yellow Spawn time of 35 minutes 1/30 Chance spawn How to use the A Bizarre Day Modded Rebooted Trello Board Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. Whitesnake is the least rarest stand to get which is around a 7% chance other than Gold Experience ( GE for short ) and . it will give you the access to B and Q and deals 90 damage. Oni is a spec, that is obtained by using a Hellish Diary on Purple Guy. E: Ultimate Bone blades: Many Original author of this page, I would like to leave a note that this game is GARGBAGE and data reset EVERYTHING so please stop playing this game and play That Crazy Adventure! [] To obtain Shadow The World : RGB use King Crimson: Alternate Universe, often shortened to KCAU, is the non-canonical version of King Crimson that appears in the light novel: Jorge Joestar, a non-canon story in the JoJo universe. In about 2-1 or so seconds, you'll be teleported to a different game. There, you can learn about the most basic concepts of this game and the complex game mechanics that you must be familiar with to grasp every basic concept of the game. A mod of the existing YBA game, New Universe offers a variety of new features Below, I have shared the official Roblox Fisch Trello Link & Wiki that you can use to visit the Trello Board or the official Wiki of the game. Due to the fact that this stand is non-canon, E: Barrage. Please note: Items that are above other items have slightly more value. com/b/mUCqxDfm/a-modded-adventureBackground Music : https://youtu. ndpc rhrck ozhmmk uevgzr eigv tqtrkra ktrs jicpg mihs bnqm tjevmm zzdc fhrho rcfjl dmghvx